“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:20)
As our culture has become more devoid of faith, opportunities for fellowships are scarcer. In days gone by, religion was the backbone of society and family life. Now, bringing up the topic of faith in public is like wading into hostile territory. So many claim that the Church is ignorant, outdated and chauvinistic. Or, sadly, that it’s full of paedophiles. So many objections exist — some, unfortunately, understandable — and we’ve all heard them. Committed Catholics, especially those in ministerial or leadership positions, need the gift of time together to be reminded that they are not alone in living out the mission of Christ on earth.
Fellowship, by definition, is merely a friendly association and the gathering of like-minded people. Yet the very concept brings disdain from some Catholics. We have Jesus in the Eucharist however, it is wrong to espouse a spirituality without community. We are the Church, and that essentially means we are a people. The concept of fellowship is essential to our journey as Catholics; Jesus Christ himself taught us this. In establishing the Church, Jesus made clear that we are not meant to navigate our life’s journey alone. We need the love and support of like-minded people to help us to stay the course — in the good times and when the waters get rough. Despite the fact that we attend Masses to receive Christ in the Eucharist, but it does not mean the experience of Church should be limited to the moment of Communion.
In this regard, Christ’s faithful, whether clerics or laity, or clerics and laity together as a community will strive with a common effort to foster a more perfect life, and to promote public worship or Christian teaching. The Catholic Fellowship will offer support to the Church in its ministry with and to young people. We are always open to those who would like to serve or would love to join us in body and spirit to witness this next step in our journey of faith. In any event please hold us in your prayer. If you want to know more about becoming a Friend or Associate of the Community please contact us. St. Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Jakarta organizes talk sessions on occasional basis which can help the parishioners to deepen their understanding on certain liturgical topics such as the meaning of the sacrament of reconciliation or sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Often these talk sessions were conducted by people from overseas such as Sister Briege McKenna or Sister Emmanuel.
Fellowship is not just something that we try to fit into our Christian life after we get everything else together but it is in fact very important. It will challenge us, encourage us, help us stay accountable, and fellowship is showing obedience to God and his word. Do not neglect this part of our Catholic life.
Please contact Bro Ivan Sandjaja at biblestudy@expatcatholicparish.org